⚰️ DipDup 6.5 branch is no longer supported. Please, follow the⠀Migration Guide⠀to update to the latest version.

Implementing handlers

DipDup generates a separate file with a callback stub for each handler in every index specified in the configuration file.

In the case of the transaction handler, the callback method signature is the following:

from <package>.types.<typename>.parameter.entrypoint_foo import EntryPointFooParameter
from <package>.types.<typename>.parameter.entrypoint_bar import EntryPointBarParameter
from <package>.types.<typename>.storage import TypeNameStorage

async def on_transaction(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    entrypoint_foo: Transaction[EntryPointFooParameter, TypeNameStorage],
    entrypoint_bar: Transaction[EntryPointBarParameter, TypeNameStorage]
) -> None:


  • entrypoint_foo ... entrypoint_bar are items from the according to handler pattern.
  • ctx: HandlerContext provides useful helpers and contains an internal state (see ).
  • A Transaction model contains transaction typed parameter and storage, plus other fields.

For the origination case, the handler signature will look similar:

from <package>.types.<typename>.storage import TypeNameStorage

async def on_origination(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    origination: Origination[TypeNameStorage],

An Origination model contains the origination script, initial storage (typed), amount, delegate, etc.

A Big_map update handler will look like the following:

from <package>.types.<typename>.big_map.<path>_key import PathKey
from <package>.types.<typename>.big_map.<path>_value import PathValue

async def on_update(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    update: BigMapDiff[PathKey, PathValue],

BigMapDiff contains action (allocate, update, or remove), nullable key and value (typed).

Naming conventions

Python language requires all module and function names in snake case and all class names in pascal case.

A typical imports section of big_map handler callback looks like this:

from <package>.types.<typename>.storage import TypeNameStorage
from <package>.types.<typename>.parameter.<entrypoint> import EntryPointParameter
from <package>.types.<typename>.big_map.<path>_key import PathKey
from <package>.types.<typename>.big_map.<path>_value import PathValue

Here typename is defined in the contract inventory, entrypoint is specified in the handler pattern, and path is in the handler config.

Handling name collisions

Indexing operations of multiple contracts with the same entrypoints can lead to name collisions during code generation. In this case DipDup raises a ConfigurationError and suggests to set alias for each conflicting handler. That applies to operation indexes only. Consider the following index definition, some kind of "chain minting" contract:

kind: operation
  - callback: on_mint
    - type: transaction
      entrypoint: mint
      alias: foo_mint
    - type: transaction
      entrypoint: mint
      alias: bar_mint

The following code will be generated for on_mint callback:

from example.types.foo.parameter.mint import MintParameter as FooMintParameter
from example.types.foo.storage import FooStorage
from example.types.bar.parameter.mint import MintParameter as BarMintParameter
from example.types.bar.storage import BarStorage

async def on_transaction(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    foo_mint: Transaction[FooMintParameter, FooStorage],
    bar_mint: Transaction[BarMintParameter, BarStorage]
) -> None:

You can safely change argument names if you want to.