⚰️ DipDup 6.5 branch is no longer supported. Please, follow the⠀Migration Guide⠀to update to the latest version.

head index

This very simple index provides metadata of the latest block when it's baked. Only realtime data is processed; the synchronization stage is skipped for this index.

spec_version: 1.2
package: demo_head

  kind: sqlite
  path: demo-head.sqlite3

    kind: tzkt
    url: ${TZKT_URL:-https://api.tzkt.io}

    kind: head
    datasource: tzkt_mainnet
      - callback: on_mainnet_head

Head index callback receives HeadBlockData model that contains only basic info; no operations are included. Being useless by itself, this index is helpful for monitoring and cron-like tasks. You can define multiple indexes for each datasource used.

Subscription to the head channel is enabled by default, even if no head indexes are defined. Each time the block is baked, the dipdup_head table is updated per datasource. Use it to ensure that both index datasource and underlying blockchain are up and running.

See Also