⚰️ DipDup 6.5 branch is no longer supported. Please, follow the⠀Migration Guide⠀to update to the latest version.


What's New

New interactive installer

Starting from this release, DipDup comes with an interactive installer to help you install necessary dependencies.

Run the command below in the terminal:

curl -Lsf https://dipdup.io/install_lts.py | python

Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

Now you have dipdup command available systemwide! Run it without arguments to see available commands.

You can use dipdup install/update/uninstall commands to manage the local installation.

Project scaffolding

dipdup new command is now available to create a new project from a template. Run it and follow the questions; a new project will be created in the current directory. You can also use a replay file instead; see dipdup new --help for details.

Scaffolder screenshot

Kathmandu contract events

Kathmandu Tezos protocol upgrade has introduced contract events, a new way to interact with smart contracts. This index allows indexing events using strictly typed payloads. From the developer's perspective, it's similar to the big_map index with a few differences.

An example below is artificial since no known contracts in mainnet are currently using events.

        contract: events_contract
        tag: move
      - callback: on_roll_event
        contract: events_contract
        tag: roll
      - callback: on_other_event
        contract: events_contract

Unlike big maps, contracts may introduce new event tags and payloads at any time, so the index must be updated accordingly.

async def on_move_event(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    event: Event[MovePayload],
) -> None: ...

Each contract can have a fallback handler called for all unknown events so you can process untyped data.

async def on_other_event(
    ctx: HandlerContext,
    event: UnknownEvent,
) -> None: ...

Changes since 5.1.3


  • cli: new command to create a new project interactively.
  • cli: install/update/uninstall commands to manage local DipDup installation.
  • index: New index kind event to process contract events.
  • install: New interactive installer based on pipx (install.py or dipdup-install).


  • cli: Fixed commands that don't require a valid config yet crash with ConfigurationError.
  • codegen: Fail on demand when datamodel-codegen is not available.
  • codegen: Fixed Jinja2 template caching.
  • config: Allow sentry.dsn field to be empty.
  • config: Fixed greedy environment variable regex.
  • hooks: Raise a FeatureAvailabilityHook instead of a warning when trying to execute hooks on SQLite.


  • cli: Detect src/ layout when guessing package path.
  • codegen: Improved cross-platform compatibility.
  • config: sentry.user_id option to set user ID for Sentry (affects release adoption data).
  • sentry: Detect environment when not set in config (docker/gha/tests/local)
  • sentry: Expose more tags under the dipdup namespace.


  • cli: Up to 5x faster startup for some commands.


  • sentry: Prevent Sentry from leaking hostname if server_name is not set.
  • sentry: Notify about using Sentry when DSN is set or crash reporting is enabled.


  • ci: A significantly faster execution of GitHub Actions.
  • docs: Updated "Contributing Guide" page.